February 2024


Southwest Sahitya Samaj, Basundhara, Kathmandu conducted Peepal Chautari Ghazal Sanjh-2080 in a grand and dignified manner by singing and reciting ghazals at the Peepal Chautari adjacent to Southwest State College in the presence of about a hundred people on Friday. Thirty-six ghazalists recited their ghazals in the program. Chaired by the Chairperson of the sahitya samaj, Rajendra...
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Sarsoti Tamang, Management (D6)Cell phones used to be banned in schools in the past because they were considered asobstacles for study. But many researches show that when students are provided cell phones, theyare also engaged in their learning with their phones. When given a choice, they are less likely todistract students from their study and...
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Shishir Acharya, Grade: XI, Science (P 3 )“BOOKS!” Are you just viewing this word what comes in your mind? Sure, it is notother, than the image of bundle of paper gathered together in a cover having numerous words,numbers and other information. This is all due to learning from child-age. But in fact, that areprint books....
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Sangeet Bohara, P4, ScienceReading may be a compulsion for a school-going child, pastime for a retire person, but apleasure for many. We can discover smile on the face of novel-reader, a gleam in the eyes of thereader of a poem and furrows of seriousness on the forehead of a person reading a newspaperreport. Reading disturbs...
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Sheetal Pudasaini, XI, P3 ScienceConfidence, the first step to success or the ability to succeed, means having belief aboutyourself and your abilities, with full of inner strength. It is the path to make our dream come true.To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence. We should have confidenceon soul, self and on...
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Rishekesh PoudelScienceIf you like to know my experience at SWSC, it was peaceful mixed with love, happiness,inspiration, excitement and hope. The classes were interesting and entertaining. Thanks to ourfriendly and motivating teachers! The beautiful college uniform developed our personality as thatof leaders. Jaw-dropping Science laboratories and activities made us feel like scientists.SWSC provided me with...
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Saibe PandeySWSC AlumniWell, I feel nostalgic….. It’s already been nine years of graduation from Southwestern….. Evenafter all these years, the core values and memories of SWSC still walk along with me. The co-operative and understanding environment of my college provided me a platform to groommyself.Since an early establishment of Southwestern, it has proven enough for...
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Dr. Swikriti Shrestha Namaste everyone! I am Dr. Swikriti Shrestha. I have recently joined Master in Ophthalmologyat National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), Bir Hospital, Kathmandu. I feel fortunateenough to have completed my HSEB from South Western State College.At SWSC, I studied subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Nepali, English and Mathematics.Along with that, the most...
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Dr. Birat Timilsina +2 Science (Second Batch), SWSC I was in search of good college in Kathmandu Valley to start my +2 Science. I came across lotsof colleges, and the decision to choose one was tough. On the same time frame, education expowas going on in Bhrikutimandap, and I decided to visit it once. The...
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Senior musician and singer Tilak Singh Pela has been awarded with Pipal Chautari Gajal Samman- 2080 by Southwest Sahitya Samaj, Basundhara, Kathmandu during a ghazal recitation program, Peepal Chautari Ghazal Sanjh-2080 on Friday. Pela was awarded as an encouragement and acknowledgement for his contribution to bring Nepali music in a new height. In the program,...
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