Southwestern Center for PhD Studies (PhD Center)

Southwestern Centre for PhD Studies (PhD Centre), an independent and autonomous research facilitation institution, focused on PhD level studies, was established in late 2010 in Koteshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal by a group of academicians to promote research particularly PhD studies in Nepal. The Centre has good networking with National and International Universities and Research Centres. The primary focus of this Centre is to support qualified individuals in pursuing PhD. The main aim of the Centre is to assist the development process and nation building by applying quality research at all levels of society. It provides services to the scholars on admission, synopsis preparation, arranging supervisor, documentation, access on the digital library, networking, guiding on research methodology and philosophy, data analysis through SPSS/NVivo, report writing, article publishing, etc. It also offers training on ‘Research Methodology and Philosophy’ for other organizations. Researchers completing the training from the Centre are capable of independently conducting both: action or basic research. By 2020, the Centre would provide a quality environment to add 2020 more qualified PhD graduates (doubling the present level of the total number in Nepal). This is the mission of the Centre.

Visit the PhD center website