The Motivation that Inspired Me to Be a Doctor

Dr. Swikriti Shrestha

Namaste everyone! I am Dr. Swikriti Shrestha. I have recently joined Master in Ophthalmology
at National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), Bir Hospital, Kathmandu. I feel fortunate
enough to have completed my HSEB from South Western State College.
At SWSC, I studied subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Nepali, English and Mathematics.
Along with that, the most important thing I learned was to recognize my potential. The journey,
where I recognized my potential, is what I am going to share in my experience with SWSC. I
came with my parents to see the result of First Terminal Examination. I failed in Mathematics.
Instead of telling my weakness, Kishor Lamsal sir said, “One day, she will become a doctor
because she doesn’t like Mathematics”. At that time, I felt he said it to cheer me up for sure, but
those words hit me with encouragement. That kind of positive reinforcement in SWSC shaped
me into what I am today.
I would like to thank everyone at SWSC for their encouragement and motivation. Though I had
very short journey together with the people there, but it was sweet indeed.