Experience at SWSC

Rishekesh Poudel
If you like to know my experience at SWSC, it was peaceful mixed with love, happiness,
inspiration, excitement and hope. The classes were interesting and entertaining. Thanks to our
friendly and motivating teachers! The beautiful college uniform developed our personality as that
of leaders. Jaw-dropping Science laboratories and activities made us feel like scientists.
SWSC provided me with opportunities and stages that transferred me from a shy and timid boy
into an active and leading person of high value. The adventurous hiking at Namo Buddha and
exciting tour at Pokhara is something that I will always remember for the rest of my life. With
my loving friends and caring nature of SWSC, I never felt inferior, judged or depressed.
The memories are fresh, blissful and mesmerizing. They accepted for who I was, made me
realize my potential, and provided hope for my awesome future. Thank you Southwestern!