Selecting the best college for further studies is a great challenge for me. Being a dreamer of medical aspirant, I had been searching for the best college after my SEE. I heard SWSC as the best college for Science students. My step to choose SwSC after SEE was the right decision of my life.
Being a part of SWSC, I gathered a lot of memories. I got the opportunity to enroll with the modern technology provided by SWSC. The fascinating classroom, teaching through projectors peaceful library, the college song, speaker, CC camera for safety purpose, the hygienic environment, the standards to meet my further goal, each and every thing was well equipped. I got to develop my confidence level, communication skills, empathy, maturity, determination towards my career.
I couldn’t have been the now me without the help and guidance of SWSC and its people. I have so much of pride and gratitude towards my college. So, I would like to welcome new brothers and sisters to choose SWSC without a hesitation. You will get an opportunity to have beautiful two years of experience.
– Sandesh Dhital
If you like to know my experience in SWSC, it was peaceful mixed with love, happiness, inspiration, excitement and hope. The classes were interesting and entertaining thank to our friendly and motivating teachers. The beautiful college dress developed our personality as that of leaders. Jaw dropping science laboratories and activities made us feel like scientists. SWSC provided me with opportunities and stages that made me from a shy and timid boy to an active and leading person of high value.
The adventurous hiking at Namo Buddha and exciting tour at Pokhara is something that I will always remember for the rest of my life. With my loving friends and caring nature of SWSC, I never felt inferior, judged or depressed. The memories are fresh, blissful and mesmerizing. They accepted for who I was, made me realize my potential, and provided hope for my awesome future.
Thank you Southwestern!

– Rishikesh Poudel
I am very glad to say something about my college, being a part of SWSC. I have had a wonderful and most memorable time spent during my two years of journey on this college. I found myself a lucky girl because teaching methodology was praiseworthy and practical were best. We are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities which helped me to develop and flourish my self confidence. Familiar friendly helpful and well trained teacher team also helped me and makes me feel easy on every step and provide motivation to achieve what I want. So for me SWSC is the best option to develop career on better way.
– Srijana Dharel
Coming from a village, and adjusting oneself in a new environment is quite difficult for every student. I also came to Kathmandu for my higher studies, and the main conflict in my mind was which college to choose. Choosing SWSC for my higher studies became a milestone that helped me to build myself as a good student. The friendly environment, teaching techniques, teachers and management filled me with positivity that I should focus for future and do accordingly. Because future will be the outcome of present deeds, I am sure that choosing a college like SWSC will be one of the main reasons for my bright future.
– Bishnu Pandey, Studying CAP I, Gurukul CA