Extra-Curricular Activities

Co-curricular & Recreational Activities

For all-round development of the students, the college conducts various co-curricular activities regularly. This includes a wide range of activities like Quiz contest, Speech Competition, Essay Writing, Debate, and sporting events such as Football, Basketball, Cricket, Table Tennis, and Badminton tournaments. Co-curricular Activities have a wide horizon to cater to the physical, psychological, professional, social and cultural development of the student.

Hiking and Tour

The college organizes hiking and tour programs for the students belonging to different streams according to the academic calendar to promote wider knowledge of the culture , nature , geography, history and life style of the different ethnic groups of people in of the different part of the country.

Research, Seminar and Training

To help our students in developing fresh perspective, improving skills, and even finding a network for the future career in their related fields of studies, we organize seminars and workshops from national and international leading experts, academicians, and other professionals in the college.

Career Guidance Classes

SWSC provides counseling and motivation classes for all students at different levels as per the requirement of the different streams. For the Science stream, the classes are focused on Medical and Engineering entrance examinations held in Nepal and abroad. We discuss the procedure, format of the exams and deal with the ways to crack them. For students belonging to the management stream, we conduct guidance classes related to CA foundation courses and BBA/BHM entrance preparations.

Yoga and Meditation

To help students reduce their stress and anxiety, boost memory, increase self-confidence, and discover their highest potential, SWSC conducts Yoga classes that offer unique and specialized meditation practices. These classes assist students in their spiritual growth and help them channelize their energies in the right direction.